Svartfoss Vessel Schedule,IMO 9323089,MMSI,Sailing Port

Svartfoss Vessel Schedule information with IMO number , Port details , MMSI , Callsign and sailing Course / Speed of Svartfoss. Below you can find Svartfoss sailing schedule details.
Svartfoss Vessel ScheduleSvartfoss( IMO: 9323089) is a Refrigerated Cargo Ship that was built in 2005.The Deadweight tonnage of Svartfoss is 2737 and her length and width overall is 80 / 16 .The MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) number for Svartfoss keeps changing during its whole journey from one flag to another.Therefore you need check the sailing location status frequently.

Svartfoss Vessel Location,
Svartfoss Sailing Location.

SVARTFOSS Refrigerated Cargo Ship Ship Details

Vessel Name : Svartfoss
Type : Refrigerated Cargo Ship
Year of Built : 2005
Gross Tonnage : 2990
Deadweight tonnage : 2737
Length and width Overall (m) : 80 / 16

Important Links

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