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DTDC Courier Franchise,How To Start,Investment – Profit

DTDC franchise model business details with investment,revenue,storage space & franchise contact number

DTDC Franchise is the fastest growing franchise business model in India due to its thousands of success stories.Almost in every corner of India, you will find DTDC franchise, where people just started their courier business hassle free.Mr. Subhasish Chakraborty, the CEO of DTDC accumulated in-depth knowledge regarding business model from overseas Institute.He has applied the unique model which facilitates entrepreneurship opportunities to all Indians.They have expanded franchise network in multiple category cities by offering lowest investment possible.

If you find the franchise success stories from the first time business man, you will find 100% positive reply from the franchisee owner.From undergraduate to metric passed people started the business with DTDC courier.They didn’t have any prior knowledge regarding handling couriers and parcels.All entrepreneurial abilities are trained by the official DTDC team through guiding materials.You can have a look people feedback here – Online Sucess stories

Franchisee Advisory Board

The biggest strength of a courier company is their franchise power.DTDC is not the exception, in this case, they take franchise service very seriously.Keeping in mind they took a decision to open Franchise Advisory Board(FAB) on April 18, 2009.The main priority of advisory board to recognize the possible efforts and contribution from an individual side.They never believe in partiality as far as starting the partnership with them.There are few main objectives that are:

  • Participate to promote management
  • Helping a newbie to start their franchise until they grow.
  • Providing the best courier service & customer performance
  • Changing the old policies depending on circumstances and implementing new terms and conditions
  • Creating brand awareness
  • Making communication easier between franchisee and management team.
  • Finding the latest market trends and strategy to apply
  • Strengthen powerful franchise organization

Franchise Advisory Boards (FAB) are two types depending on geographical issues.These are:

  1. Regional Franchisee Advisory Board(RFAB)
  2. Regional Franchisee Advisory Board(RFAB)

Franchise Opportunities

Let’s come to the main point i.e is the business opportunity.Well, more than 60% franchise who started the business is still in sustained success.The growth percentage is really huge and still making successful entrepreneurs.As we earlier mentioned that all requests are evaluated by the experts.You will be notified whether you are suited for the business or not.Franchisees are accepted based on market potential and available areas.Each individual partner background is checked before adopting them into this business.Besides, that prospective applicants are also filtered with some ready opportunities.Here if you have all set up including vehicles, you can start the delivery from the day one.Thus you are one step ahead comparing other applicants to be eligible in this business.Right now DTDC offering three types of franchises:

  • Normal
  • Subsidised
  • Rural/Satellite

Business Schemes

Here you can check estimated required investment along with Franchise Fees details:

Total Investment
Category A: Rs.1,50,000
Category B: Rs.1,00,000
Category C: Rs.50,000
Area required
Ground Floor premises facing road
Franchise Fees
No Fees. Only Security Deposit and Set-up Fee
Royalty Fees
10% of turnover
Marketing cost (Percentage of sales)
Company does (5%)
Working Capital (per month)
Category A: Rs.1,00,000
Category B: Rs.50,000
Category C: Rs.25,000
Return on Investment
> 20%
No. of employees required to run a franchise unit
Category A: 4
Category B: 3
Category C: 2
Expected break-even time
> 20%
Average business from a Franchise unit
Category A: Rs.1,50,000 p.m.
Category B: Rs.75,000 p.m.
Category C: Rs.40,000 p.m.

Franchise Scope & Selection

The appointment policy can be split into 12 different steps.Passing all these steps successfully will setup your franchise in no time.

  1. Prospect Identifivation: The identification process mostly happened via marketing / advertising / reference / personal contacts etc.
  2. First Round Discussion: Here the basic information is provided to the applicant to make them understand about business policy.Further, they discuss terms and conditions with the applicant.
  3. Inspection of the office areas/premises: This is the 3rd step of application where official authority visit the place where you want to set up the franchise.
  4. Application form filling: Fill up application form with all necessary details
  5. Application forms submission with valid documents: You need to provide the legal documents and identity proof.Check the required documents below
  6. a) Demand draft for the security deposit & establishment fee as per the set guidelines.
    b) Identity proof: Voters cards or driving license
    c) Address Proof: Ration card or land line telephone bill
    d) Leave & license agreement or premises ownership agreement
    e) Financial credential: Bank passbook or bank statement
    f) Letter of reference
  7. Scrutiny/verification of the documents: All papers are verified by DTDC Scrutiny team
  8. Approval from RM / REGIONAL HEAD, RCM / ZCM, ROM / ZOM, GM: You will be notified as soon as the approval process completed successfully.
  9. Email Communication to Radha: Now it’s time for Email communication from the desk of GM.The activation code is sent via email.
  10. Training development:  Channel department provides On and off the field training related operations, IT, CSS, accounts, Sales.
  11. Training Certificate: The official franchise partnership certificate is issued by RM/ GM with duly signed.
  12. Welcome Kit: The welcome kit package handed over to applicant from the regional office.
  13. Opening & operating franchisee: You are ready to receive and deliver franchise to the recipients in your local area.
DTDC Franchise Application Process


When it comes to benefits almost all franchises have positive and negative sides.But you can turn it on in a different way with your special marketing strategy.Below are the benefits of DTDC courier franchise:

  • Good return on your investment at lower risk
  • Easy access to 10500+ channel partners across India
  • You start a business with a branded company, it helps to boost business.
  • Premium business model for better growth
  • Availability of Premium Products & services instantly

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