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Blue Dart Tracking Blue Dart Courier Delivery Satus

Blue Dart Tracking

BLUE DART Rapid Delivery through the Internet Recognizing the business opportunities of the future. Blue Dart has prepared a comprehensive plan to maximize the potential which e-commerce will offer to a courier service. The company is largely banking on the delivery side.

The company believes that e-commerce is opening up more opportunities on the B2C side. In the B2C segment. the capacity to deliver to the residence is critical. To
cash in on this. The company is increasing its warehousing capacity and has recently opened a [10000 sq. feet warehouse in Chennai. It has an intranet in place which
connects over 1000 terminals through Vsat, interfaced together by communication systems. This is to help a customer track his shipment.

Blue Dart now wants the customer to use the technology it has set up. “Instead of just adding an edge within the company and adding exponential growth we want
our customers to use it by putting it on the Internet”. so says a company spokesman. Blue Dart is already doing business with portals like Rediff and Fabmart among
others. Here again the company intends to interface its own system with that of its customers.

If you have any query regarding delivering package or any other issues then please call +91 (0) 40-64564307.

BlueDart Tracking Screenshot

blue dart tracking